Interview with RENE DENFELD
Rene has written for many esteemed
publications including The New York Times Magazine, The Oregonian, and the Philadelphia
Inquirer. She is a published author of three nonfiction books. Her first novel,
THE ENCHANTED, was published by HarperCollins in March 2014. A finalist for the
esteemed 2014 Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, THE ENCHANTED has been
garnering outstanding acclaim, with rave reviews from Library Journal,
Publisher’s Weekly, and other publications. In addition to her writing career,
Denfeld is a death penalty investigator who works with men and women
facing execution. Rene has extensive training and experience in subjects
including FASD, drug effects and cognitive impairments. She is the happy mother
of three children she adopted from state foster care.

What are you reading right now?
MIDDLESTEINS by Jami Attenberg. It is brilliant.
What first sparked your interest in
I've always been a voracious reader. Books were my childhood
solace, the public library my sanctuary. As a child I often escaped into
fantasy, until the line became blurred—I remember making little hashmarks on
our family calendar for the days I expected the Indians to come
and rescue me. I was in sixth grade when I had one of those miraculous,
life-changing teachers. She sent one of my short stories into a junior
scholastic magazine. It won first prize—a new typewriter. I remember how proud
I was of that typewriter. I used it for many years.
What do you love the most about writing? The
I love the joy of being immersed in the story. I think it is
much the same for writer as it is for reader—that state of suspended joy inside
another world. The hard part is when the story doesn't come easily, or when the
craftsman in you has to come out and give it a good tinkering.
Tell us a little about your writing process.
I believe in following the voice. The nice part of fiction is
setting aside one's own ego and silly opinions, and letting the characters tell
their own story. I just try to listen. A lot of fiction writing is being a good
listener. When I have an idea I open a new word doc and I just start writing. I
listen to what this character is telling me and I write it down. Later I go
back as an editor and help the voice clean up. I consider
myself the caretaker of the voice. My job as a writer is
to facilitate the truth of others. What I have found is this allows
me to really let go—that is how the poetry comes.
What are your passions?
Besides reading? I love my kids. I love parenting! I've done
foster parenting as well as adopting my kids from foster care. I find parenting
illuminating on so many levels—it gives me a lot to think about, as does my day
job, which is working with men and women facing execution. I like being challenged,
emotionally as well as intellectually. Life can be so achingly beautiful. It
can be devastatingly painful, grievously harmful, and yet
so beautiful. My greatest passion is just for life.
What inspires you?
Other human beings inspire me. Our failings, our humility, or
innate goodness even when we do harm. I am endlessly inspired by
Why fiction?
You can tell so much more truth with fiction. Alexi Zenter,
the author of THE LOBSTER KING, says people read newspapers to find
out the facts, but they read fiction to learn the truth. He's
Why magical realism? (Assuming you consider
your work magical realism, which I think is debatable. If you don't, why not?)
I don't consider THE ENCHANTED magical realism. It is how the
narrator sees reality. Who is to say he is wrong and another person is right?
Our society has a very narrow construct of reality that is basically whatever
the dominant culture endorses: you can believe in astrology or angels
but not the walls talking; you can espouse heaven but not hell, and so forth.
But for a person locked in a death row cell, that is not their reality. I
believe the narrator of THE ENCHANTED conveys a much more authentic sense of
what prison is truly like, because his reality reflects his true experiences.
That includes the ability to find joy and magic and beauty even in the midst of
horror and despair.
How was THE ENCHANTED born?
I was leaving the death row prison one day and happened to look
up at the stone walls. I remember hearing a very quiet, distinctive, soft
voice. He told me, "This is an enchanted place." I drove home, musing
on that voice. He became a very real person to me. He would come and tell me
his story, and I began writing it down. He would sit at the side of my desk, scaly
skin, long nails. Sometimes he would just appear in my car while I was
driving—usually into the deep woods for my work—and I would have to pull over
and write down what he said.
What drew you to writing about prison life,
and death row inmates in particular?
I think it was natural for me, because my day job is the same as
the character called the lady in the novel. I've learned so much from the work,
about the human capacity for redemption as well as harm. People
go inside prisons and they disappear. Thousands up thousands, every year.
We send them away and they vanish. They are our caste of invisibles. For all
our obsession with crime and violence, we often don't stop to ask why.
Why do some people hurt others? How come some of us can overcome
abusive childhoods, and others succumb to rage? What is the nature of
forgiveness? Do we all have souls? I am intrigued by those
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Good reading makes for good writing. Read, and then read some
more. Everything you need to know about writing is in the pages of
good books. Then, find out what works for you. Is it a writing group? Is it
being inspired by your friends or family? Reach out to other writers. I am only
an email away——and
most writers are very friendly and supportive of others. Mostly, believe in
your own voice. Write to tell the truth.
Is there anything else you would like to tell
us about yourself?